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How To Maintain A Clean Home In 2022

Here at Maid App, we know that most people live busy lives, and so the through of cleaning your house after a busy day at work can send shivers up your spine! While it is never a bad idea to do a deep clean of your home, it is not something that needs to be done as often as you might think. Many of the domestic cleaners signed up to our app tell us that just by introducing little cleaning habits into your week you can not only maintain your homes cleanliness, but also cut down the time it takes you to do a deep clean in spring and winter.

These small domestic cleaning tasks won’t shouldn’t take longer than 20 minutes to do, and the more you do them, the more they will become a part of your daily routine. Not only will you feel like you have actually achieved something with your time, but it will also give you more time to relax and do the things you love on your days off.

#1 Make your bed

Start your day off right by making your bed. This simple task should take less than two minutes, and can make such a difference to how clean and tidy your bedroom looks. It will also be much more inviting to sink into at the end of the day. Plump up your pillows, shake out your duvet, and away you go.

#2 Wipe down kitchen surfaces

Another simple task that can make a huge difference is wiping down your kitchen surfaces at the end of the day, with a disinfectant spray if possible. This will help prevent any stains that may take longer to get rid of at the end of the week.

#3 Vacuum once a week

Vacuuming a room is a great way to make it look instantly cleaner so you should try and vacuum at least once a week, but if you are really strapped for time then break it up by rooms or floors. You can also use your vacuum on your sofas and chairs as well, to make sure they stay fresh and clean as well.

#4 Put on a wash

This may not be a daily task, depending on how many loads you normally do a week – but try not to wait until the washing basket is full to the brim before you put a load on. Pop the load into the machine in the morning before you leave for work, and then all you have to do when you get in from work is press start.

#5 Don’t let dirty dishes pile up

Introduce a household rule that nothing can be left in the sink Even if you or a member of your family has a quick cup of tea, do not leave it on the side. Either pop your mug and spoon into the dishwasher or give it a quick wash in the sink straightaway. A build-up of dirty dishes is one of the biggest culprits in making your home look untidy.

If all of this sounds unbearable, and you just don’t think you will have the time, why not call in a professional cleaner?

Five signs you need to call in a professional cleaner

You may feel like you are admitting defeat if you have to call in a professional cleaner, but there is absolutely no shame in doing so – especially if it will free up some precious time for you. If you have been wondering whether you should hire a professional cleaner or not, then read on for our five signs that it Is definitely time to do so.

#1 You can’t remember the last time you did a deep clean

If you are struggling to remember the last time you properly cleaned your home, including cleaning the fridge, dusting and vacuuming the whole place, then this is one of the biggest signs that it is time to call in the professionals to help you out.

#2 You work really long hours

Working long hours can really take it out of people, and it is no surprise that many people just don’t want to even think about cleaning when they finally get home. If your job is taking up a lot of your time, then hiring a maid may be the answer to some of your problems. A tidy home leads to a tidy mind, so having some extra help around to allow you to keep on top of things may also reduce the amount of stress that your work may have made you feel.

#3 You can’t find the time to do the things that you love

Do you often find you have run out of time to do the things that you love to do? Between your family and your work commitments it can sometimes feel that 24 hours in a day is nowhere near enough. Hiring a cleaner to look after some of the chores in your home can give you the time you need to go to the gym or take up a new hobby – or even just spend some time with your family and friends.  These are the sort of things that tend to make life more enjoyable, and life is far too short to not enjoy.

#4 You have other priorities

Maybe you have a project at work that requires some overtime, or you have a young family that you need to care for. If your never-endling list of cleaning chores leaves you no time to focus on the things that you need to do, then it’s time to call in a house cleaner to help you to focus on what you need to do.

#5 You just don’t like cleaning

There is no shame in admitting that cleaning is just not your bag – we can’t all love it! There are lots of people out there who would much rather be doing anything else than organising their dirty washing or cleaning the kitchen! If you are one of these people, then hiring a cleaner is the right thing to do because let’s face it, you will probably do a rubbish job of it anyway!

You can find perfect cleaners in London and the rest of the UK with Maid App – which is free to download.

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